Family Fun Snapshots

A visit from Grandpa and Grandma Awsumb
The Ferry too and from Bainbridge Island
(note Awsumb's batman cape!)
Sammamish Falls

The line up!  

Look at me! Hugs to Daddy
Just hanging out with Gpa & Gma... oh and still wearing the batman cape and hood!

Football with Daddy
Nintendo DS
March 2006
Awsumb greeting Dad in the middle of the night after coming home from New York City
Father and Son Campout

Awsumb and Kyle
The Bridge


Fathers Day 2006
Utah Road Trip

click to see photos

July 4th 2006
Kids Parade
At the ballpark

click to see us at the ballpark...

55-57 Car show with Gpa Awsumb
XXX Rootbeer
Showing off at the pool
Kenneth, Nathan and Awsumb painting the garage
Fall 2006
Playing in the leaves

Pumpkin Carving with Daddy at School
Hardy's at the Space Needle

Wendy, Kenneth, Maggie, Greg, Duane, Shirley, Eric, Shilo
Lex, Awsumb, Shaylyn and Tanis

Click here to see A Totally Awsumb Baseball Party at Safeco Field

Duane and Shirley Hardy

Awsumb and Kenneth checking out the view

Snack time

Playing Tourist with Greg and Maggie
Kenneth, Maggie, Awsumb & Greg
Birthday Boys! Feeding Otters at the Aquarium
Penny Pig
Halloween 2006

Lighting McQueen ~ Racecar Driver


"Trunk or Treat"
Anjah and Awsumb Awsumb and Indiana Jones
Microsoft Trick or Treat

Neighborhood Trick or Treat with Nathan, Matthew and Carson
Skeleton PJ's The Loot!
Happy Thanksgiving
Kenneth, Robert and Awsumb
Pinecone turkey showing off his new mittens
Christmas Shopping and Hot Choco from Starbucks
donning his new scarf made especially for Awsumb
 by his teacher Debbie
December 06 Windstorm
When trees fall in the back yard... YES, YOU HEAR IT!
Note the broken pine tree, which also took down 1/2 the large moss covered
 deciduous tree and another small pine.  The tree "just" missed our house!
Awsumb and Daddy Ready for Church
Gingerbread Houses
Snowflake Lane ~ Nathan and Awsumb
Awsumb drummer Peppermint stick?

Merry Christmas 2006


click to see more Christmas photos

Family Fun map
Family Fun

Snapshots 2001

Snapshots 2002

Snapshots 2003

Snapshots 2004

Snapshots 2005

Snapshots 2006

Snapshots 2007

Snapshots 2008

Snapshots 2009

Snapshots 2010

Snapshots 2011

Christmas 2002

Christmas 2003

Christmas 2004

Christmas 2005

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2011


Family Fun

2002 Family Vacations

February 2002 Olympic Games

June 2002
Family Reunion Tour!
California & Utah

August 2002 - Utah
Katie's Wedding
2005 Family Vacations

January - California
April - Utah - Greg & Maggie's Wedding
May - California - Gpa Awsumb's Funeral
July - Utah - Drue & Shantel's Wedding
September - Utah - Gpa Hardy Funeral

2003 Family Vacations
June 2003 - Utah
Jeff and Mickie's Wedding
October 2003 - Utah and California

November 2003 - Utah
Grandpa Awsumb's Bday
Wallace Family Reunion

Kenneth's European tour!
Coming... someday

2004 Family Vacations

Disney World!
San Diego, Sea World and More!
Father's Day and
November visit to Utah
Guy and Erin's Wedding


2006-07 Family Vacations
June 06 - Utah
March 07 - California

2008 Family Vacations
February 08 - California
October 08 - Utah

2009 Family Vacations
June 09 - California Road Trip
Summer of the DayCation
October 09 - Utah Road Trip

2010 Family Vacations




The Money Pit!

click to see our latest projects

At the Ball Park
our favorite place to be on summer nights