Family Fun Snapshots

January 2002

Daddy and Awsumb all dressed for church

Awsumb plays

Robert's new X-Box

Awsumb watching the Super bowl!

Awsumb and Daddy
watch cartoons in the morning

Easter Sunday 2002
Awsumb spent most of the day trying to eat his tie!
Father's Day 2002
June 2002
Gma Shirley, Awsumb and Gpa Hardy Wendy, Kenneth and Awsumb
Daddy and Awsumb Little Awsumb!

Kenneth, Awsumb and Wendy

Teddy Bear Quilt Wendy made for Awsumb
with help from her friend Denene and Gma Shirley
Independence Day 2002
Awsumb was so excited to wave his very own flag.
We sang this song to him over and over!
"You're a grand old flag, you're a high flying flag,
And forever in peace may you wave!"
Kyle comes to visit
Kyle Roars! Awsumb and Kyle play cars
Awsumb and Kyle share toys More Pictures?
Kyle dog piles Awsumb Awsumb and Kyle share "Binks"!
Robert tries to share his Mountain Dew
with Awsumb, before Mommy finds out!
Awsumb and Lewis
Valeriano and Fawcett Families come over to break in Awsumb's new toy room!
Jacob, CJ, JC, Shazer Awsumb and Samantha!
Samantha, Aiza, Emma, Anjah and Awsumb Emma takes a quick peek at the photographer!
Kenneth and Awsumb in front of the big cedar tree in the back yard.
Kenneth was so excited to take Awsumb on his first "campout."
who would have thought that just a couple hours later
we would be driving home with a sick baby!
Awsumb tests his new flashlight
to go on a campout with Daddy. 
Ok, so we were only going to let him go to the campfire program at the Father and Son campout, then meet up with Mommy
at a nice Bed and Breakfast... 
(Yes that is "roughing" it for our family!)
 In the end he got sick all over the car and we never made it to the campout!
Fall 2002
Click to see snapshots from
the  Pumpkin Patch and Halloween 2002
Happy Thanksgiving!
Robert, Kenneth, Awsumb, Kevin, Lauren and Kyle
The biggest turkey's of all! Nap time...
 Merry Christmas!


Click here to see Christmas Scrapbook Page

Family Fun map
Family Fun

Snapshots 2001

Snapshots 2002

Snapshots 2003

Snapshots 2004

Snapshots 2005

Snapshots 2006

Snapshots 2007

Snapshots 2008

Snapshots 2009

Snapshots 2010

Snapshots 2011

Christmas 2002

Christmas 2003

Christmas 2004

Christmas 2005

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2011


Family Fun

2002 Family Vacations

February 2002 Olympic Games

June 2002
Family Reunion Tour!
California & Utah

August 2002 - Utah
Katie's Wedding
2005 Family Vacations

January - California
April - Utah - Greg & Maggie's Wedding
May - California - Gpa Awsumb's Funeral
July - Utah - Drue & Shantel's Wedding
September - Utah - Gpa Hardy Funeral

2003 Family Vacations
June 2003 - Utah
Jeff and Mickie's Wedding
October 2003 - Utah and California

November 2003 - Utah
Grandpa Awsumb's Bday
Wallace Family Reunion

Kenneth's European tour!
Coming... someday

2004 Family Vacations

Disney World!
San Diego, Sea World and More!
Father's Day and
November visit to Utah
Guy and Erin's Wedding


2006-07 Family Vacations
June 06 - Utah
March 07 - California

2008 Family Vacations
February 08 - California
October 08 - Utah

2009 Family Vacations
June 09 - California Road Trip
Summer of the DayCation
October 09 - Utah Road Trip

2010 Family Vacations




The Money Pit!

click to see our latest projects

At the Ball Park
our favorite place to be on summer nights