A Totally Awsumb 5th
Baseball Birthday


Happy 5th Birthday!
Note the scoreboard! Awsumb and Greg in the DUGOUT!
Kids Club Play Field

Nathan, Cory, Liam, Awsumb, Kyle, Lex, Shaylyn, Tanis
Awsumb and Robert
The Birthday Boys!
Hanging out in the locker room

Cory, Shaylyn, Anjah, Kyle, Nathan, Awsumb, Liam, Tanis
Batting Cages
The kids plays played bean bag toss
while the big kids played in  eh batting cages.


I will have to see if Gma got any batting cage pictures...


Everyone piled in the dugout - well, whoever would let me take their photo!

In the Press Box
Lunch at the Suite
Awsumb Grandparents Shirley, Greg and Duane Hardy
Yumna & Liam, Reed and Cory Robert
Nathan, Roseann, Preston and Caleb Shaylyn, Shilo, Lex Eric and Tanis
Thanks for all the great gifts!


Awsumb Kenneth Hardy map
Awsumb Kenneth Hardy's Scrapbook